Dragon Curve Tutoring

STEM Tutoring in Underserved Communities

About Dragon Curve

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing math and programming tutoring to underserved communities. Our goal is to bridge the educational gap by empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in these fields.

Dragon Curve Cup

Math Competition for Students in Grades 5-8


Check out our gallery for photos from our Summer 2024 Camp Series!

STEM-Based Classes

Small classes of 2-6 students taught by qualified high school students. We offer multiple different classes, which you can learn more about below.

We are a MATHCOUNTS Gold Level Club!

Gold Level Honor Roll is the highest honor in the National Math Club. To sign up for our MATHCOUNTS class, click the link down below.


From the parents of the summer 2023 students
The classes have helped my daughter Anna improve her skills and confidence in math. Tutors explained complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. I really appreciate the time and effort tutors put into preparing the lessons. Thank you for being such fantastic tutors!

My daughter learned a lot during Dragon Curve’s tutoring program and enjoyed her time!

Class was engaging and helped my son learn many new concepts in math. I have noticed a vast improvement during the past few weeks and will definitely sign up again.

Thank you so much for the amazing classes!

Meet our team.

Click on the link below to learn more about our talented tutors!


We offer Elementary Level Math Olympiad Prep (ELMO), MATHCOUNTS prep, Advanced Math Competition classes (AMCS), Introductory Python, Science Bowl, and Introduction to CAD. We hope to expand to other topics in the future!

All of the classes are taught by highly-qualified high school students.

Our classes typically have between 2-6 students in them. These small classes let us get to know your child better.

All of our classes are hosted at the Rockville Memorial Library (21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850) in Rockville Town Square.

There are no age requirements, but each one of our classes is curated for a certain age range.

Nope! All of our classes are 100% free.

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